.. _installation: Installation ============ PolyArchiv uses Python (2.7 or 3.3+), without dependency. from Pypi --------- The simplest way is to use `pip`, if it is installed on your system: .. code-block:: bash pip install polyarchiv if you prefer to install it in your home: .. code-block:: bash pip install polyarchiv --user Of course, you can also use `easy_install` (even it should be replaced by `pip`): .. code-block:: bash easy_install polyarchiv from the source --------------- You can also install it from the source: .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/d9pouces/PolyArchiv.git cd PolyArchiv python setup.py install no installation --------------- Finally, you can use PolyArchiv without installation: .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/d9pouces/PolyArchiv.git cd PolyArchiv python run.py You can now use `Polyarchiv` and check all run options (:ref:`options`).