Quick start guide ================= First, you obviously need to install Polyarchiv, and display the default configuration directory (should be `/etc/polyarchiv`): .. code-block:: bash sudo pip install polyarchiv polyarchiv config Then you can add a collect point, indicating the data to backup: .. code-block:: bash mkdir -p /var/backups/my-project cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/polyarchiv/my-project.collect [point] frequency=daily engine=files local_path=/var/backups/my-project [source "database"] engine=postgressql host=localhost user=test password=p@ssw0rd database=testdb destination_path=./database.sql [source "files"] engine=rsync source_path=/var/my-project/data destination_path=./files EOF And then we want to synchronize these data to a remote server using `rsync`. .. code-block:: bash cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/polyarchiv/my-server.backup [point] frequency=daily engine=synchronize remote_url=ssh://backupuser@my-server/var/backups/backup_points/{name}/ private_key=/home/backupuser/.ssh/id_rsa EOF You can now check your configuration, and execute the first backup step-by-step: .. code-block:: bash polyarchiv config -v polyarchiv backup --show-commands --confirm-commands