Variables and replacement rules

Some repository parameters can be modified at runtime using custom variables. Check polyarchiv plugins -v for a complete documentation of each customizable parameter. By default, only the following variables are defined:

  • name: basename of the corresponding config collect point.
  • username: the username running PolyArchiv,
  • fqdn: local hostname, with the domain name (e.g.,
  • hostname: local hostname (e.g., vm1)
  • the time of backup is also available, with a separate variable for each component: Y, d M, … Please check the doc to discover all of them.


If you use time-dependent variables (or hostname, or fqdn), you should also use the metadata_url parameter. Check Remote metadata storage for more info.

In the local config file, you can add a new section [variables]. Of course, the name of the option is the name of the variable.

In the remote config, you can also override some variables defined in collect points, by adding a new section, specific to this collect point. Check the example below, made of two collect points and a single backup one:

archive_name={name}-{Y}-{m}-{d}.tar.gz  <-- this is a customizable parameter
; you can override the default `name` variable
remote_url=http://{host}/{group}/{name}.git  <-- another one
; requires a `group` variable in each collect point
; the `name` variable always exists

[variables "my-collect-point-2"]
; you can override the `group` variable of `my-collect-point-2` only in the `my-backup-point` backup point.

With this configuration, my-collect-point-1 is sent to remote_url= and my-collect-point-2 is sent to remote_url=